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What to Do When a Dog Attacks

1. Stay Calm and Avoid Panic

Dogs can sense fear, and panicking might escalate their aggression. Take a deep breath and try to remain as composed as possible.

2. Avoid Eye Contact

Direct eye contact may be interpreted by the dog as a challenge or threat. Instead, look slightly to the side while keeping the dog in your peripheral vision.

3. Stand Still Like a Tree

If the dog hasn’t bitten you yet, stand still with your arms crossed or down by your sides. Avoid sudden movements or loud noises.

4. Use a Firm, Authoritative Voice

Say commands like “No,” “Stop,” or “Back” in a calm but firm tone. Avoid screaming or high-pitched tones, which could excite the dog further.

5. Don’t Turn Your Back or Run

Running may trigger the dog’s prey drive, causing it to chase you. Instead, slowly back away while facing the dog at an angle.

6. Use an Object as a Barrier

If possible, place something between you and the dog, such as a bag, jacket, umbrella, or stick. This can give the dog something to bite instead of you.

7. Protect Vital Areas

If the dog bites or lunges, use your arms to shield your face, neck, and chest. Try to "feed" the dog an object or your non-dominant forearm to prevent bites in critical areas.

8. Don’t Pull Away During a Bite

If the dog bites you, don’t yank away forcefully, as this can cause deeper wounds. Instead, try to remain still or push into the dog’s mouth to make it release its grip.

9. Use Water or Noise to Distract

If you have access to water (a hose or bottle), spray the dog’s face. Loud noises like a car horn, whistle, or shouting from a distance may also startle the dog and stop the attack.

10. Seek Medical Attention Immediately

Even minor bites or scratches can become infected or transmit diseases like rabies. Wash the wound with soap and water and seek professional medical care right away.

Bonus Tip: Report the Incident

Contact animal control or local authorities to report the attack. This is especially important if the dog is stray, unvaccinated, or repeatedly aggressive.

By staying calm and following these steps, you can increase your chances of minimizing harm during a dog attack.


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